Chris, John, and I had a week of adventure! Chris took a vacation out to Colorado to visit with John and I for a week. We did lots of fun things! Tuesday: Fort Collins(minus me) and Beau Jo's in Idaho Springs. Wednesday: Pikes Peak in Manitou Springs and Trail Dust Steakhouse. Thursday: Invesco Field Tour, Halloween costume shopping, Dave and Busters, and a quick tour of Downtown Denver on 16th street mall. Friday: Estes Park and Cinzetti's Saturday: Halloween Party with the Adventure Club and Haunted Houses. Sunday: Last minutes with Chris and dropping him off at the airport.

Old friends, old friends, Sat on their parkbench like bookends A newspaper blown through the grass Falls on the round toes of the high shoes of the old friends Old friends, winter companions, the old men Lost in their overcoats, waiting for the sunset The sounds of the city sifting through trees Settles like dust on the shoulders of the old friends Can you imagine us years from today, Sharing a parkbench quietly How terribly strange to be seventy Old friends, memory brushes the same years, Silently sharing the same fears
Lyrics by Simon and Garfunkel
Christopher Calabro arrived from New York on Monday, October 24th around 10:30pm. John is holding the sign I made for Chris. Let the fun begin!!!!
Here is Chris and I eating at Beau Jo's on Tuesday, October 25th. I worked during the day, but John and Chris went to Fort Collins to visit Colorado State University. The school that John went to. They went to a vintage record store and ate lunch at the student center. They were trying to blend in with the other college kids, and Chris was checking out the college girls. ;)
John, Chris, and I rode the Cog Railroad up Pikes Peak to the top. We were over 14,000 feet! Here is a picture of us at the top, and we went on Wednesday, October 26th. Afterwards, we went to Trail Dust Steakhouse for dinner.
Go Broncos!!!! Chris, John, and I went to Invesco Field for a tour. We went on Thursday, October 27th. We spent the early part of the afternoon looking at where the Broncos play. Afterwards, we went to a store called Wizard's Chest in Cherry Creek to get our Halloween hats for the party. After that, we went to Dave and Busters.
Boo Boo and I pretended to play this game, but we just wanted the action picture shot. This was at Dave and Busters on Thursday, October 27th.
Trick or Treat!!! The attack of the purple nessie. Halloween party at Adriana's house on Saturday, October 29th. After the pot-luck Italian dinner, we went to two haunted houses: Spider Mansion at Heritage Square and Field of Corpses in Arvada.
Boo Boo and I smiling for the camera.
Here is Chris at the ticket counter checking in to go back to New York.
Boo Boo, Harmony, Cimbi, and I are just sitting around and doing nothing today. John and I are playing Animal Crossing again! We created a new town called Wantagh, and we are having fun meeting new people and finding new items. It helps pass the time, while we wait for the new teal and pink Nintendo DSs to come out. They come out October 24th---the same day as our friend Chris Calabro comes to Denver to visit us for a week. Guess what John and I will be playing, while we wait for the plane to land?! The DS Animal Crossing comes out the first week in December, so we have to wait on that.
Mike Piazza of the NY Mets played his last game as a Met yesterday. I'm not sure if he is retiring from baseball or just the Mets. I'm not the fan like John is, but I like it when the Mets win. When I think of Mike Piazza, I think of the NY Mets. It's sad to see him go. So long Mikey!