Today John and I went downtown to go to the Holiday Food & Gift Festival at the Colorado Convention Center. Let me just say the entire trip was a comedy of errors! For starters, we went to our usual parking area at 17th and Lincoln, and there was no place to park. We ended up driving around to find a parking space and got caught up in parade traffic. Who knew there would be a parade downtown today? Aughhh, it was painful trying to get out of the traffic jam. We finally escaped and decided to park in the parking garage at the convention center. We found a space and had to wait in line to pay for our parking. The parking machine was broken, and a guy had to do it manually.
Finally, we make it to the elevators to go into the convention center, but we took an elevator that brings us to the wrong place. We, and a few other people on board, stopped at the level of the festival, but we were on the wrong side of it. A guy who worked there told us to walk through and go through the doors ahead, so we did. Anyway to make a long story short, we ended up getting in for free, because we went in the wrong way and nobody stopped us. The convention center is a fairly, new building. They just redid it a few years ago, and it is extremely confusing. Nothing is marked well! Plus, why would you have an elevator that you can get on from the parking garage and have it go to some off the wall places. I don't get it!!! It was crazy, I tell ya!!!!
To finish it all out---it had overpriced food and the festival just wasn't that good. I guess we won't be going to that overcrowded, overchaotic, and overpriced place again.