From left to right: (Adults) Me, Kellie, & Lori
(Backrow) Jamison, Rebekah, Ian, Jay, Logan L., Avery, Jonathan, Chloe, & Adam
(Front row) Kaymen, Logan K., & Alyson
Here is a picture of my 12-18 months old classroom at The Goddard School. This picture was taken on Tuesday, May 3, 2005. My last day working at the daycare was May 4th and on May 5th, John and I went on our roadtrip to New York. I'm currently working on my mural business, and I'm happy to say that I'm currently finishing up a mural for a child's playroom. They responded to my ad in a local paper called the Columbine Courier. I also finished a mural for my parent's house, and I'm going to continue working on my art. In the meantime, I'm also trying to get a job as a nanny, so I can make some extra money on the side.