On Sunday, my actual birthday, we went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. I like the more woodsy feel over the Denver Zoo but both zoos have their pros and cons...not worth getting into. I loved the giraffe exhibit...you can feed them special crackers. We saw lots of other cute animals, too! We went to the gift shop where Cedric got some goodies including a stuffed animal orangutan from grandparents and a stuffed animal leopard from us. Afterwards, we went to Carrabba's for some great Italian food. One of our favorite places to eat!
"I'll make sure if I ever meet this O'Reilly guy I'll spit up on him!"hehehehe
We said goodbye to Andy and Corinne, and we hung out with my parents for a while in Old Colorado Springs near Manitou. John left Monday morning to go straight to work, and Cedric and I rode back with grandma and grandpa. It was a fun weekend and my parents paid for most of it...John and I agree we need to take them to a nice restaurant as a thank you.
Overall, I had a very happy birthday. John bought me a professional massage at a spa place, Cedric bought me a cute teddy bear holding a baby bear, Andy and Corinne gave me two gift cards, and my parents paid for the weekend and a tree for our backyard. I would have to say though not to trump my gifts from family, but my best present of all was my sweet, baby...Cedric. :)