Cedric went to LolliLocks today in Highlands Ranch to get his first official haircut(I trim some long hairs that were in his eyes on Thanksgiving day). I'll always remember his first haircut, because it was on Friday, February 29, 2008--Leap Year! Here is what Cedric looked like before he had his haircut.
Cedric is all happy looking at himself in the mirror, but all quickly changes after the hair stylist puts the cape on.
Cedric did not like it when the stylist starting spraying water on his head.
Cedric was done...the tears kept flowing as the hair stylist cut away at his hair. Grandma tried to distract him with toys and sometimes it would work, but then Cedric would remember what was happening to him.
Here is Grandma and another LolliLocks employee trying to distract Cedric with bubbles and toys.
Poor little guy...it was so heartbreaking seeing my baby getting so upset over a haircut. I just wanted to hug him. :(
Here is Cedric after his haircut is complete sitting on a hippo(You can't see it but I assure you it's there). He looks so handsome!
I love LolliLocks! For those who don't know, it's a hair stylist place for children. They only specialize in kids, and the stylist did a great job at being quick and efficient. Cedric also received a certificate with a lock of his hair and an after picture of his new look. If he was older, he would also have received a lollipop, but I told the lady he was too little.
Here's another shot where you can see the hippo that Cedric was sitting on.
Cedric and I went with John on his business trip to California for Neopets. We left in the evening on Monday, February 18th and arrived back to Colorado on Saturday, February 23rd. Here is Cedric looking out the window, while John codes away.
Cedric and I went with John on Tuesday morning to see Neopets' office. It's very colorful place with tons of murals of Neopets' stuff. Very cool!
While John was working, Cedric and I went to the Los Angeles Zoo to play. Here we are in the petting zoo area where I was able to get someone to take a picture of us together.
Cedric by a gorilla statue.
My little cutie smiling for the camera. He is such a sweet baby!
A mama giraffe withe her baby...just like Cedric and me. :)
Cedric always smiling...such a happy, little boy.
That Tuesday evening, Cedric and I went to dinner at Ribs U.S.A. with John and his co-workers. Here is John and Nick devouring delicious ribs.
Cedric unfazed by the ribs in front of him...he rather have Teddy Puffs.
Second morning in a row eating breakfast at a place called Shakers. It was just down the street from the hotel, and the food was a lot cheaper.
On Wednesday, Cedric and I went to the beach evening though it was windy. I wanted to get a picture of Cedric enjoying the ocean sand. He was mesmerized by it!
Cedric finally looks up to give me an inquisitive face as if he was saying, "What is this stuff?"
Thursday, Cedric and I went to the Children's Museum in Pasadena. It was fun for Cedric...he really liked it. I think the one in Denver is much nicer, but it was still a great place to take kids. I talked to another mom who was there with her son who's birthday is the exact same date as Isabel Foster. Also interesting to mention that she's pregnant too. Her baby is due in August, and Amanda's baby is due in May.
Cedric loves to roll and push things around.
Cedric and I waiting to go to dinner with John and his co-workers again. You can see Kevin's hand in the picture playing with Cedric. We went to a nice steak place in Pasadena, but I had already eaten. I waited for as long as a could, but John's meeting was running very late. I still went along for the company.
Friday, February 22nd, John took the day off so we could all go to Disneyland. It was John and Cedric's first time to the Happiest Place on Earth.
Cedric and I snuggle by the entrance where they have a Mickey shape garden. It lights up, too!
We started our Disney adventure off with much needed food. We were all hungry!
Cedric loved his Mickey balloon. Sadly, it kept getting wiped around by the wind and it was blowing in our faces. We ended up pooping it which we were going to have to do anyway to bring it back to Colorado with us.
Daddy and Cedric in front of Cinderella's Castle.
Mommy and Cedric wearing his Mickey ears.
While we were trying to pop the Mickey balloon, we were by the Casey Jr. Train ride and who do we see...Adam Sandler.
We also saw Kevin James...very cool!
The three of us on the Casey Jr. Train ride.
Us also on the Winnie the Pooh ride.
Cedric pointing at the camera.
Winnie the Pooh...sadly, we didn't get a picture with Cedric and Winnie because the employee cut the line short to take pictures. He said that was the last time they would be out for the day, we could see the characters later at the parade. Aughhh...not the same! Next time when we go to DisneyWorld we are getting pictures with the characters.
The Blancos enjoy a magical Disney moment...watching the parade go by.
Mickey and Minnie end the parade.
Cedric and I riding the Dumbo ride.
John and Cedric on line for Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.
Cedric and I in front of an all lite up Cinderella's Castle.
Downtown Los Angeles
Cedric looking out the window of the airplane...waving Goodbye! :)
Overall, it was a very fun trip. John got to enjoy Disneyland for the first time with me and Cedric. We didn't ride tons of rides, but we tried to hit the popular ones, i.e.; Pirates of the Caribbean, The Haunted Mansion, Mr Toad's Wild Ride, Dumbo, and Splash Mountain(John rode alone). I would have liked to do more, but we will just have to wait until next time when we can go to DisneyWorld as a family!
Cedric is celebrating his first Valentine's day with his two favorite people, Mommy and Daddy. After Cedric and I picked up John after work, we went to Red Lobster for dinner. Cedric wasn't very pleased, he kept getting upset. We ate quickly and went home to spend the rest of the night together.
I got John a pink dragon that sings and flutters her wings. I also got him a bag of green M&Ms and a candy bar that said, "I Love You" on it.
Cedric got his Daddy a picture frame with a cute picture of Cedric in it, a small Valentine chocolate box with Linus and Snoopy on it, and Valentine colored candy corns. We also got John cards from both of us.
John got me a card, a big box of chocolates, and a shirt that lights up with hearts when it gets near another shirt of the same design. John got two shirts one for me and one for him.
John and I got Cedric a cute, stuffed animal duck that is dressed for the rain, a book that says, How Do I Love You?, and a card. Cedric is with his presents in the pictures here.
Cedric is my sweet, little boy and I love him so much. I, of course, also love John as dearly. I'm so lucky to have two very special Valentine's. Happy Valentine's Day my sweeties!
Cedric and I met up with Sophie, Nate, and Cathy at the Cherry Creek Mall on Tuesday, February 12, 2008. He met Sophie and Nate for the first time in the beginning of October 2007, but I didn't take any pictures. Everyone seem to get along just fine. I often wonder if Cedric recognizes Sophie's voice, since he heard it for almost the entire time he was growing inside my belly. He definitely likes it when I sing songs to him that I use to sing to Sophie.
Sophie and Cedric getting to know each other a little better. Cedric had fun playing in the Breakfast Foods for the first time. I use to bring Sophie here all the time when I was her nanny. Now she can share her fun experiences with my sweetie.