I love the looks on their faces for the middle picture. I definitely need to get that picture blown up and framed. I made this collage to represent their upcoming birthdays. I can't believe Cedric is going to turning 3 years old, and Sebastian is going to be 1. Where has the time gone?
"Hey, I put some new shoes on, and suddenly everything is right..."
Here is Sebastian wearing his first real pair of shoes. I bought them at Stride Rite, and they are soft but sturdy so they won't hurt his feet. I love this picture of him looking so proud of his ability to stand without holding on something for support.
My little guy smiling away. I can't wait for his NY family to meet him in the Spring. Nobody from NY has met Sebastian yet, and it has been two years since they've seen Cedric. We haven't made definite plans yet, but we are looking at the end of May as probably the time we will go. I can't wait. I'm going to use my new camera to make a story out of their trip, and put together a photo book and a DVD to document this journey.
Sebastian is also wearing his new jacket in these pictures as well. I don't usually shop at Janie and Jack, because they are so expensive. However, this jacket was on sale and it goes well with the shoes. Sebastian is getting braver and braver with his walking. He hasn't fully walked yet, but he continues to take a step or two here and there. I'm hoping by one he'll be taking off.
Sebastian is 10 months old today, and I'm sad to be saying goodbye to the single digit months forever. My baby is growing up so fast! Sebastian has been taking more steps today. He has been taking steps on and off for the past month, but hasn't really started taking off yet. He took three steps today. He continues to say ma-ma and da-da a lot, and he continues to wave to say hello to people. He has his two bottom front teeth and his top tooth on the left side. His top tooth on the right side is starting to poke through. Tomorrow, Sebastian has another laser treatment to go through. It keeps getting harder and harder to deal with, because he has become more of aware of what is going on. My poor baby! :-(
Cedric has been completely weaned from breastmilk for almost 5 weeks. The last time Cedric had breastmilk was Saturday, January 9, 2010. He was only getting milk for his nap, but he has been hit or miss with naps for sometime now. It was getting to be too uncomfortable, and I needed to stop for my own sanity. He had a cold, so that was my cue to stop. You see when he has a cold he breathes through his mouth and he tends to bite more. Not a good feeling when you are breastfeeding and the child has a mouth full of teeth. I know he misses it at times, but he doesn't ask for mommy milk anymore. He loves to snuggle with me still, so that's a good thing. I love to snuggle with my Cedric. :-)