Thursday, September 30, 2004

How Can Anyone Vote for This Man?!?

Just finished watching the election debates, and I can't help stop thinking how much of an idiot our president is! What planet is this man from? Does he honestly think America is that stupid? I guess whoever votes for him is! I'm so annoyed by his comments, and how he is taking a blind eye to what is happening in Iraq. It is like listening to someone who is a Born-Again Christian talking out of their butt and not answering the questions that are given to them. They have a one track mind, and they get stuck on a tangent that never comes to a conclusion or every answers the questions in the first place. To quote Charlie Brown, "AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" It feels like Lucy just pulled the ball away right when I was about to kick it, and the wind was knocked out of me. That is how I will feel on election day if that man is voted back into office. If he is, I think I will have to move to Canada. Don't get me wrong---I love this country! What I find sad is we unfortunately live in a society of sheepish people. They follow what they think they are suppose to through their narrow mindedness, i.e. "Christianity" and never question why. So sad! I believe in God, but I don't believe in religion, because I am not a sheep.

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