Monday, May 29, 2006

JCOS 35th Reunion

This is me at my 35th Reunion at Jefferson County Open School, JCOS. I realize I'm not 35 and obviously I haven't been out of school for 35 years. It is a reunion of all the graduating classes, since the beginning of the school. I graduated in 1990. The high school was originally in Evergreen, Colorado, and it was known as Mountain Open High School.

The elementary and junior high were located in Golden in a school named Tanglewood Open School. I started at Tanglewood in 1985 when I was in 8th grade. I had visited the school a year before to tour it, and I fell instantly in love with the school. I had hated school up until this point in my life. I was happy to finally find a place where I fit. A lot of people like me were into the arts....and I knew their was no other place I wanted to be.

1 comment:

  1. I was at Tanglewood for the two years before you went there (same grade). We moved out of state but the place and its spirit have been a major influence in my life. It taught me to appreciate and get along with all people and for the first time to love learning and school. I was wondering if you had info on students and teachers you could share that would have been there Fall 83- Spring 85.
