Friday, September 08, 2006

Baby Boo at 13 weeks

I had a scare yesterday evening that carried over into today. I was bleeding, and I didn't know why. John tried to reassure me that everything was okay, but I know that bleeding isn't a good sign when you are pregnant. Thankfully, I was able to get an appointment for today to find out the cause to my bleeding. I wasn't having any cramps, so that was good. The doctor did an ultrasound, and I was told I have a low lying placenta. It is partially covering my cervix which can cause bleeding. I just have to be a little more careful, but I should be fine. As my uterus grows my placenta will move up and away from my cervix. I'm fine now, and I was so happy to see my little baby bouncing around having a grand old time in my uterus.

Here is a picture of Baby Boo at 13 weeks. Baby Boo is looking forward waving at the camera.

Here is another picture of Baby's a profile shot with its leg kicking up into the air. Please don't be alarmed by the alien looking baby....ultrasound can give a baby that kind of appearance because it also detects the skeleton.

1 comment:

  1. That dang Baby Boo...that means no DDR for mommy!!!
