Sunday, March 18, 2007

No Change Yet

I'm officially to my due date. The midwives had written down today as my due date, but the ultrasound always showed the 17th as my due date. I just kept going by the 17th, because it sounded cool that his birth date could be Saint Patrick's Day. So here we sit in a state of limbo waiting for Cedric to show up...I had cramps again last night, but they went away. It was around the 2 o'clock hour again...poor John! We didn't stay up as long as we did the night before. My contractions weren't as strong, and they were starting to fade. It's so frustrating waiting for the real contractions to start kicking in. Nothing has taken my breath away yet...still waiting for that.

The time is a ticking away...what day will become Cedric's birthday? At this point he is very close to the transition between a Pisces and an Aries. The change occurs from one to the other on March 21st...this is also the first day of Spring! Maybe he just wants to be a Spring baby...who knows? So all John and I can do is sit and wait. It's good to know that they most likely won't let me go past the 25th, since that would be 41 weeks and the last time I saw the midwife she said they don't like to let women go past 41 weeks. The placenta starts to breakdown, because it is only meant to sustain a baby for the length of a pregnancy. You start to get into a danger zone the longer you remain post-term. Hence the reason to induce after a week of being overdue. At this point, we just wait and try to be patient. :)

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