I decided to make a collage of my children when they were all around 5 weeks of age. Maybe it's just me, but Melody looks like a girl and Cedric & Sebastian look like boys.
Today's the day that Melody was suppose to be born. I know most babies aren't born on their due date, but Melody's sticks out to me because she was a preemie. She's doing well and her skin color is normal looking. She was orange for awhile there.
A part of me is sad that she didn't make it to at least February, because I missed out on special moments I didn't have with her. John wasn't in the room, we don't have video of her first bath, she wasn't laid on my chest after she was born, and I didn't get to breastfed her right away. Don't get me wrong, I'm so glad she is here and finally healthy, but I can't change feeling a little sad. I know there are no guarantees, and bad things can happen to full term babies. It's just my last baby, and this wasn't a very easy pregnancy. Too many scares along the way. Thankfully, all is well, and my beautiful, baby girl loves to cuddle, and she's so sweet. I guess she was just too excited to meet us.