I had my 12 week ultrasound today for my first trimester screening. The baby looks great, and I will find out the blood test results next week. I'm so excited to be having our third baby. This baby will complete our family, and I can't wait to meet her or him in February. Here's a picture of my children all together. My sweet babies!
Here's a closer picture of the baby. Looking at us and telling us hello. :-)
Sebastian and Cedric holding the presents I got from them and their daddy. The bear is Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear from Toy Story 3, and an iPhone 4. My birthday was on Thursday, July 29th, and I'm 38 years old. I can't believe I'm only 2 years away from the big 4-0. Next years birthday will also be very exciting, but I can't get into those details right now. Anyway, my mom took me and the boys to lunch at the Egg and I. Later in the evening for dinner, I went to Cinzzetti's with John, Cedric, Sebastian, and our friends, Colleen, Bella, and Sean. Afterwards, we had cake that John made. It was a fun day!
John, Cedric, Sebastian, and I celebrating my birthday together.
John with Sebastian, Cedric, and our friend Bella leaving the restaurant.